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Вторник, 08 Ноември 2022 18:48

Atos IT Challenge 2023

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Can we build applications and systems that deliver business and commercial value with, or within, the Metaverse?

The aim of this year’s Atos IT Challenge is to produce an application that demonstrates a practical Metaverse use case that will deliver business value.

Technology – Areas of investigation

Possible area of investigation:

∙             Digital Twins and digital worlds (Operating)

∙             Computer interfaces (Relating)

∙             Data ecosystems and economies (Value)

∙             AI (Being)

Technologies of interest:

∙             VR/AR/MR platforms – Oculus Rift and Quest, Microsoft Hololens, Valve Index, HTC Vive and others

∙             Universal Scene Description (USD) specification for 3D computer graphics interchange

∙             Blender, Apple’s Scenekit, Autodesk 3ds Max

∙             SteamVR, OpenXR

∙             Blockchain and NFTs

Possible applications –  ideas to get you started

∙             Use of Virtual reality, Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality systems to provide new business working environments

∙             Interaction with, or complimentary functionality, for collaboration technologies such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom

∙             A Metaverse match-maker; facilitating one-to-one introductions of business colleagues

∙             New education and training experiences

∙             Visualization and modelling of real-world systems

∙             Market-specific applications in, for instance, Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Transport, Retail…

∙             A simulated virtual economy for the Metaverse

∙             A business-oriented version of Sandbox

∙             Additions to existing Metaverse environments for business applications


The objective of our IT Challenge is to promote and encourage innovation in an open environment amongst best-in-class universities and students and to support young professionals and innovators in taking their solution forward.


Step 1. Read the rules https://www.atositchallenge.net/rules/

2- 5 members

University students

∙             The contest is open to students enrolled at university or in an engineering school during the academic year 2022-2023, from any grade.

∙             The contest requires a good level of English both verbal and in writing as this is the spoken language of the contest.

∙             Each university or school will be able to present as many teams as they prefer, and each team will have to be composed by a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 members. All teams must be formed from students of the same university.

∙             Participation in the contest shall be formalized by each team registering online via the official contest website and fully submitting their application

∙             No entries from Atos employees, graduates, interns or apprentices that are a paid employee of Atos during the competition will be accepted to avoid perceived advantage.

Step 2. Figure out ideas with your team

Step 3. Register your team with your University e-mail address: https://www.atositchallenge.net/register/


Step 4. Fight to win

The criteria to select the finalists and the winning projects will be:

Phase 1- Pre-selection phase:

∙             Coherence with the theme

∙             Benefit of the service for end-users (Is it useful? Does it bring something new?)

∙             Benefit of the service for business partners

∙             Personal feeling (Originality, Do I like it?)

∙             Reality of business model (Feasibility, Market size, Ecosystem, Risks, etc.)

∙             Technical feasibility (Architecture, Project plan, etc.)

Phase 2- Development and presentation phase:

∙             Benefit of the service for end-users (Is it useful? Does it bring something new?)

∙             Benefit of the service for business partners

∙             Look and feel (Design, Ergonomy, Simplicity, Do I want to use it?)

∙             How far is go to market? (Key partnership required, Risks, Market size)

∙             Technical quality

∙             Excellence bonus! (Only for 1 project by each jury member)

Each of the shortlisted teams will receive a coach assigned to support them during the Development Phase of the IT Challenge. The coaches belong to Atos Scientific Community and provide help with technical and business insights, as well as advice to improve their all-important presentation skills necessary for business in the technology world.


Step 5. Get the prize

Prizes for all participants:

∙             All finalists in the IT Challenge will be invited to apply for an internship to work as part of the Atos organization.

∙             For information on the Atos internship opportunities and how to apply, please visit the “About Atos” section.

The final Jury will select 1 winner and 2 finalists:

∙             1st Prize:  €10,000

∙             2nd Prize:  €5,000

∙             3rd Prize: €3,000

Atos will also appoint a special “IT Challenge” HR point of contact, for those members of the winning and finalist teams that may wish to apply directly for an internship or employment opportunity within Atos.

Step 6. IPR

all intellectual property rights (IPR) in the solution submitted as part of the contest shall remain the ownership of the team submitting such solution.

However, by entering the IT Challenge, the team members each individually, for whole or their part, grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to Atos and its affiliates for the use of the solution and all associated IPR for internal research and marketing purposes (including the right to sub-license).

In addition, the participants each individually, for whole or their part, grant an option to Atos to transform their non-exclusive license into an exclusive license on all IPR vested in their solution for the purpose of commercial exploitation.



Metaverse statistics:

The potential total consumer expenditure of the US metaverse market for 2022 is estimated at $8.3 trillion.

In other words, the number estimates how much money Americans would spend on metaverse-related products in 2022.

30.4% of the money is expected to be spent on virtual real estate, 8.5% on vehicles, and 8.44% on home-related products (Statista).


Here are 10 new jobs created by metaverse:

∙             Metaverse research scientist

∙             Metaverse ecosystem developer

∙             Metaverse hardware builder

∙             Virtual storyteller

∙             Metaverse tour guide

∙             Metaverse world builders

∙             Digital fashion designers

∙             Metaverse event planner

∙             Smart contract lawyers

∙             Metaverse security manager

Most of these jobs are hard to imagine today but the first people who’ll hold jobs like that are probably already alive (Honeypot).

25% of people will spend at least 1 hour per day in the metaverse by 2026.

Gartner predicts that a quarter of people will use the metaverse daily for shopping, work, entertainment, and social interaction.


Additionally, 30% of companies will have products or services to sell in the virtual worlds (Gartner).


Четвъртък, 13 Октомври 2022 09:45

IBM/Cisco Networking Incubator

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Job Description


*Job Description


About IBM 
IBM is a global technology and innovation company. It is the largest technology and consulting employer in the world, with presence in 170 countries. The diversity and breadth of the entire IBM portfolio of research, consulting, solutions, services, systems and software uniquely distinguishes IBM from other companies in the industry. 

Our Center:
The Client Innovation Center is the newest and largest IBM center in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a hub of global importance for the company, providing end-to-end IT services, including network management, server systems operations, maintenance and monitoring of computer hardware and software covering some of the biggest world markets – US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

The Storage Technical Support Apprenticeship Program requires full-time employment with a maximum duration of 12 calendar months . During the learning journey the Apprentice is gaining new skills on the specific skill set that is needed to provide remote technical support assistance to clients and IBM technical personnel on server and data storage products.
During the whole program extensive training and workshop sessions will be conducted, in order to obtain not only deep technical knowledge and understanding of Storage concepts, but also proficient communication skills and corporate culture.
An experienced engineer - Mentor - will be assigned to the apprentice, to provide support and guidance throughout the learning journey.

You will learn how to:
  • Use in an appropriate way IBM communication channels (mail, Same Time, Slack, etc.)
  • Interpret online manuals regarding IBM code and application interfaces.
  • Communicate with other support centers and business units.
  • Develop and demonstrate proficiency in Storage hardware and software platforms.
  • Demonstrate soft skills and technical skills that contributes to client satisfaction.
  • Contribute positively towards the achievement of performance targets in all aspects of the team’s activities.
You will practice how to:
  • Provide remote troubleshooting and analysis assistance for installation, usage and configuration.
  • Answer questions for general usage and operations of system components. Provide problem determination/problem source identification.
  • Review diagnostic information to assist in isolation of a problem cause (which could include interpretation of traces and dumps).
  • Identify known defects and fixes to resolve problems.
  • Provide technical support within established guidelines.
This Apprenticeship will require working on flexible hours.

At IBM you will have the opportunity to communicate with global teams who have different responsibilities, interests and knowledge. Here you will be placed in a dynamic environment, where you will be given the opportunity to raise your technical skills and become part of the IBM Systems Team.

УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ПО БИБЛИОТЕКОЗНАНИЕ И ИНФОРМАЦИОННИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ“ в качеството си на партньор по проект - „Разработване на продуктова иновация - платформа като услуга в областта на Информатиката“ с договор №BG16RFOP002-1.005-0064-C01 по процедура за предоставяне на беззвездна финансова помощ  BG16RFOP002-1.005 „Разработване на продуктови и производствени иновации“, търси да назначи 4-ма души на позиция по проекта: Изследовател “Автоматизирани системи за обработка на информацията и управление

Минимални и специфични изисквания за позицията:

Образование - висше образование, докторант или научна степен доктор в сферата на информатиката, компютърните науки и/или информационните технологии.

Квалификация - знания и умения по програмиране, операционни системи, информационни системи и интернет на нещата, управление и програмиране на вграден софтуер за безжични сензорни мрежи

Професионален опит - изследователска и научна работа в сферата на интернет на нещата, математическо моделиране на процеси и системи, статистически и симулационни модели, проектиране и изграждане на информационни системи.

Функции (отговорности и задължения):

1. Концептуално изследване на възможностите и тенденциите за създаване на продуктовата иновация. В това индустриално научно изследване се включват следните изследвания и научни разработки:

1.1 Изследване за създаване на концептуален модел за измерване на размера и вида публика, която присъства пред рекламните (дигитални) дисплеи посредством анализ на получени SMART сигнали, за преход към отворени системи и интегрирани среди и платформи, които поддържат множество приложения със социална значим.

1.2 Изследване на потенциала за интеграция на архитектури и компоненти на иновативния продукт с облачни решения и подходи за управление на големи масиви от данни, обосноваване в дълбочина.

1.3 Изследване и демонстриране на взаимосвързаните случаи на използване на Smart обекти и валидиране на концепциите за генеричните технологии, които могат да обслужват множество среди. Анализ на методите и алгоритмите на системата за управление на големи масиви от данни.

2. Създавне на алгоритми, методи и модели за анализ на големи масиви от данни:

2.1 Създаване на концептуален модел за откриване на съвпадения в големи масиви от данни.

2.2 Разработване на интелигентен интегриран метод за откриване и анализ на еталонни данни, подходящи за управление на Smart стройствата в реално време.

2.3 Синтез на алгоритми за филтриране на необходимите данни на базата на предложения метод.

2.4 Верификация и валидиране. За тази цел ще бъдат използвани получените по време на експериментите данни.

3. Създаване на модел, метод, алгоритъм и експериментално изследване на прототип на софтуер за анализ на големи масиви от данни.

3.1 Експериментално изследване на получените данни и статистическо моделиране на топологии за изграждане на устойчива среда за обмен на достоверни данни.

3.2 Създаване на схема на прототип и експериментално изследване на елементите на системата за предаване на сензорните данни и тяхната последваща обработка. Оценка на проведените експерименти.

3.3 Изследване и анализ на възможностите за съхранение и обработка с достатъчно висока скорост на получаваните в реално време големи масиви от данни (big data).

4. Създаване и тестване на прототип на иновативния продукт.

Период на заетост (в месеци) - 17 месеца

Часова заетост на персонала - 4 часа на ден

Месторабота: гр. София

Срок на валидност на обявата: 7 календарни дни;


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